This Past Month

I know it seems like I've posted back to back but my first post was written about a month ago when I first decided to work on my blog. Due to life happening, I had to put everything on hold but during this time, I was able to come up with ideas of what I want to do with my blog.
This past month I've been incredibly busy. I feel like life has just been throwing lemons at me expecting me to make lemonade but I can't seem to understand the recipe, if that makes any type of sense. Between Caesar & I's doctor appointments (more on him later), working on my clean eating & trying to stick to a workout routine, plus running a household, I feel like I'm getting burnt out. My to-do list seems never ending & my list of worries feels like it's increasing but I think that's just my anxiety coming through. Although I've been feeling stressed out, I do feel somewhat accomplished & that I'm going in the right direction. I'm feeling better, mentally & physically, these days. I mentioned feeling burnt out but it's a good type of burnt out, like I'm being productive. It's almost like I'm too busy to think, which is great!
For the past 3 months I have been focusing on clean eating. I'm on a low carb, high fat diet (almost like the Atkins diet.) The first 3 days were brutal, I'm not going to lie, but after that it became a lot easier & I didn't even have to think about it. There have been cheat days where I've binge ate from the amount of stress I had, but I was able to learn how to get it under control. I've always had a weird relationship with food & for the first time in my life, I feel like I've gotten to the point where the relationship is becoming better & I don't use it as a coping mechanism anymore. I didn't begin incorporating exercise until this past month because I wanted to teach my body how to eat well before I sent it through the shock of vigorous exercise. I began walking Missy (our dog), & just recently I started kettle bell exercises that have been kicking me ass!!!
On Monday, June 26th, I went to weigh in at my doctor at Mt. Sinai. I was nervous because earlier this month I was under a lot of stress with Caesar's health that I didn't have a chance to think about my own health. I was worried I had gained weight even though I know it was only a week where I fell off the wagon. The scale makes me nervous in general but I know I'm not the only one. When I got on the scale, it said I had lost 13 pounds in the month of June! Since I began my weight loss journey in April, I have lost a total of 37 pounds! 66 pounds until I reach my first goal. I couldn't even believe it! I proved to myself I could do it but I also have a long way to go in having faith in myself.
I would like to end this blog post thanking Sabrina, my neighbor. She has become my best friend, someone I trust with my life. She has seen me at my absolute worse & doesn't judge me ever. If it weren't for her being there EVERY.SINGLE.STEP of the way, I would not be where I am. She has steered me in the right direction & has been with me throughout this hard journey, talking me through my fears. For this, I am forever grateful & I wish everyone was as lucky as I am to have a Sabrina in their life.
I know this post is all over the place but that's just how my mind works. I promise my posts will be better organized in the future but this is the mind I'm working with at the moment.
Until next time!